I have been working on optimizing the rendering performance of the rendering routine for an NES emulator I'm working on. It involves in outputting a frame buffer onto the screen to an HTML5 Canvas.
Throughout my development process, I have been familiarizing myself on what would be the best approach to render a single pixel onto the browser screen.
In this discussion, I will communicate some of the challenges I encountered while attempting to write a fast rendering routine for a 256x240
frame of RGB pixels onto an HTML5 Canvas.
Trust me, it is harder than you think. 😉
The Problem
Suppose we have a 256x240
(width x height) graphic that looks like this:

In total, there are 64 displayable colors here in this frame.
We will pretend for a moment that this is a representation of a screen for some device such as the Nintendo Entertainment System (although not technically precise). Knowing that the resolution of this screen is 256x240
, we can work out the math that there are 61,440 pixels which should be rendered onto the canvas.
Let us now use our imagination further and say that we actually have to render this entire frame pixel-by-pixel.
To make things even more fun, let's avoid using the array representing the image data itself provided by the HTML5 Canvas. We will not draw the pixels straight onto the image data with the RGB values. Although, I would personally like to conduct this experiment another time. 😃
What's the best way to do it on HTM5 canvas? Well, there are two ways we can do this aside from using the typed array and drawing the pixels using straight RGB integer values.
- Rendering pixel-by-pixel by drawing a line of length 1.
- Rendering pixel-by-pixel by drawing a rectangle and filling it with the color with area 1. (1x1).
The Experiment
Six (6) different experiments were conducted:
- Using moveTo and lineTo to draw a line of length 1 to simulate a single pixel.
- Using moveTo and lineTo draw a single pixel in addition to using a "cache" to only redraw changed elements on screen.
- Using moveTo and lineTo, a cache and double buffering to draw the pixels first offscreen and then to an onscreen canvas.
- Using fillRect to draw a rectangle of area 1x1 and filling it with the appropriate color.
- Using fillRect in addition to using a cache to only redraw changed pixels on screen.
- Using fillRect, a cache, and double buffering the rendering of the pixels onto an off-screen canvas before outputting onto the screen.
For the experiment, I have chosen to randomize the pixel colors, but repeat the same exact previous pixel from the previous frame if, and only if the current pixel is a multiple of 3. This is done to show the benefits of using a cache for experiments (2), (3), (5) and (6).
Drawing a Pixel Using a Line
The typical routine here is to perform the following for every pixel:
context.strokeStyle = currFrame[i][j];
context.moveTo(j, i);
context.lineTo(j + 1, i + 1);
Here, we are setting the pen color, or strokeStyle
to be the current color defined by the frame buffer and then starting a path, moving the pen to the desired location, and finally drawing a line of length 1.
We can then also take it a step further and use a cache that stores all the current colors which the canvas currently has using a 2D array of strings. Each value is just the hex-color string.
if (pixelCache[i][j] && pixelCache[i][j] === currFrame[i][j]) {
pixelCache[i][j] = currFrame[i][j];
context.strokeStyle = pixelCache[i][j];
context.moveTo(j, i);
context.lineTo(j + 1, i + 1);
With the above, we simply just don't render if the current color in the frame buffer has not changed.
And finally, we can take it a step further and define an offscreen canvas to draw on and finally place the completed image onto the onscreen canvas.
Drawing a Pixel Using a Rectangle
Drawing a rectangle requires less lines of code. We simply need to set the fillStyle
to be the current color defined by the frame buffer, and then fill a 1x1 rectangle at the desired location.
The rationale here is that setting fillStyle
and then calling fillRect
is very expensive. We just want to see here how expensive that can actually be (and if we're wrong?).
context.fillStyle = currFrame[i][j];
context.fillRect(j, i, 1, 1);
As with the previous moveTo
test with caching, we can apply the same techniques with our fillRect
test to only redraw pixels which have changed:
if (pixelCache[i][j] && pixelCache[i][j] === currFrame[i][j]) {
pixelCache[i][j] = currFrame[i][j];
context.fillStyle = pixelCache[i][j];
context.fillRect(j, i, 1, 1);
And finally, we can take it a step further and define an offscreen canvas to draw on and finally place the complete image onto the onscreen canvas.
const backCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
backCanvas.width = STD_WIDTH;
backCanvas.height = STD_HEIGHT;
const backContext = backCanvas.getContext("2d");
if (pixelCache[i][j] === currFrame[i][j]) {
pixelCache[i][j] = currFrame[i][j];
backContext.fillStyle = pixelCache[i][j];
backContext.fillRect(j, i, 1, 1);
context.drawImage(backCanvas, 0, 0);
The experiments were conducted on a 2014 Macbook Pro with the following system configuration:
- 2 core 3.0 GHz CPU - Core i7 4578U
- 16 GB DDR3 RAM
- Mac OS X 10.14.5
- Google Chrome 74.0.3729
The tests were run for 120 frames, and the time was measured using performance.now()
. Units are in milliseconds.
256x240 Results
Test Name | Description | Time | Baseline Performance | Performance From Previous |
1 | moveTo/lineTo | 16,249.565 ms | 1.00x | 0x |
2 | moveTo/lineTo + cache | 2,663.530 ms | 6.10x (1) | 6.10x (1) |
3 | moveTo/lineTo + cache + double buffer | 2,639.625 ms | 6.15x (1) | 1.01x (2) |
4 | fillRect | 8,740.410 ms | 1.86x (1) | 1.86x (1) |
5 | fillRect + cache | 2,113.770 ms | 7.69x (1) | 4.13x (4) |
6 | fillRect + cache + double buffer | 2,144.525 ms | 7.58x (1) | 0.99x (5) |
Based on the results, drawing a line is much slower than drawing a rectangle to simulate a single pixel. The suspicion here is that setting the stroke style, then moving the pen to the desired location can take a lot of time.
moveTo/lineTo + cache
Redrawing the line only when the pixel has changed really makes a difference! Implementing this alone gives 6.10x performance improvement.
The fact that it is quite easy to just implement such a check to only redraw changed pixels makes this option even more enticing for anyone who is looking for an "easy" performance tweak.
moveTo/lineTo + cache + double buffering
Double buffering didn't really seem to improve the performance that much. Only about 1%, or 1.01x from just caching. I suspect that it is because the image may just be too small for the CPU to have much trouble redrawing the canvas.
Drawing a rectangle is much faster. About 86% faster than drawing lines as pixels! Wow, that's almost "twice as fast".
Therefore if we're going to try to draw a single pixel, we should definitely consider doing it through fillRect.
fillRect + cache
Can we go faster? Certainly!
With this test, applying caching techniques to only re-draw the changed pixels produced a result which I consider to be "as expected".
Since the moveTo/lineTo + cache
test gave over a 6x performance improvement, the expectation was that the fillRect + cache
test would give a similar result. Here, it was 4.13x from fillRect
, but most interesting is that from the original moveTo/lineTo
algorithm, fillRect + cache gives a 7.69x increase.
fillRect + cache + double buffering
Now, the last one here is double buffering on top of fillRect
and caching. We see here that there is not much of a performance difference. If anything, this is slower than just fillRect + cache
Just like the moveTo/lineTo + cache + double-buffer
test, we didn't see much of a performance benefit with double buffering.
I had mentioned before that it may be due to the image being too small to see any substantial benefit of double buffering.
But how about if we increase the size of the canvas to 1024x1024? What are the results here?
1024x1024 Results
Test Name | Description | Time | Baseline Performance | Performance From Previous |
1 | moveTo/lineTo | 372,482.019 ms | 1.00x | 0x |
2 | moveTo/lineTo + cache | 54,968.509 ms | 6.78x (1) | 6.78x (1) |
3 | moveTo/lineTo + cache + double buffer | 52,574.840 ms | 7.09x (1) | 1.05x (2) |
4 | fillRect | 204,692.265 ms | 1.82x (1) | 1.82x (1) |
5 | fillRect + cache | 32,832.600 ms | 11.35x (1) | 6.23x (4) |
6 | fillRect + cache + double buffer | 30,054.010 ms | 12.39x (1) | 1.09x (5) |
Pretty interesting. We see that the larger the frame is, the more pixels we have the render, the better the performance is. The performance gaps between each optimization literally widens.
Double buffering here then becomes a good optimization as now there is a 5% performance increase using double buffering for line drawing, and 9% performance increase for rectangles.
The more pixels we need to draw on screen, the more benefits some of these optimizations become.
We observe over 12x performance gain from fillRect + cache + double buffer
from the original moveTo/lineTo
drawing routine.
Other Optimizations
Can we do anything else to optimize each of the drawing routines? Well, yes. I actually had not considered line drawing algorithms, or even drawing the pixel directly onto image data.
This is something worth exploring, but for my purposes, applying the techniques to use fillRect
and redraw only changed pixels in experiment (5) was more than fast for me.
I only needed to draw a 256x240
frame. Additionally, with my use case, the pixels don't exhibit much change from frame to frame. Therefore, for my specific use case I have actually been able to get rendering down to 1 ms per frame just using the techniques covered in (5).
When canvas optimizations give the rendering time you are satisfied with, optimizations aren't done just yet. Your performance concerns then move onto computation as the bottleneck. The computation comes from the generation of the pixels within the frame buffer.
Optimizing this computation is the next step to performance rather than unnecessarily optimizing rendering performance which has gone beyond 60 fps. (Think: Knuth's saying of pre-optimization)